Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post-Christmas, Pre-New Year Thoughts

Merry Christmas (late)!  I hope that Santa was good to you and you got everything you wanted.  I hope this was your best Christmas ever. :-)

My Christmas was very different than it's ever been in my life.  This year Andrew spent Christmas Eve with his dad's family and so my sister and I stayed at our house instead of being with our parents.  That meant this was the first year EVER (in my 39 years) that I didn't wake up in the same house with my parents.  Talk about was VERY ODD. So, my Christmas morning was spent sleeping until around 9AM and then I hung out at home mostly by myself, wrapping all my Christmas presents, since Lyn went to lunch with some of her friends.  Finally, I was able to pick up Andrew from his dad and stepmom's at around 2PM and we then headed to momma and daddy's house.  When we made it to momma and daddy's is when my Christmas officially began.

When we got to momma and daddy's house, Jon, Erin and Zach (brother, sister in law and nephew) were already there.  We hung out for a while and then we ate dinner.  A friend of the family smoked a turkey for us so we had smoked turkey, dressing, gravy, peas, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and rolls for dinner.  After dinner we opened presents.  Andrew got a Buzz Lightyear and that was the thing he wanted opened right away.  He got a Woody but it was at our house waiting for him since Santa left it.  Now, he's got both of them and usually if he has one, the other isn't very far away.  He loves them and them along with his Potato Heads (Mr. and Mrs.) he reenacts scenes from Toy Story sometimes- very cute!

One of the good things about having experienced a different type of Christmas meant that I was able to attend my church's Christmas Eve service this year for the first time.  It really was a  great time for us to get together as a church family to celebrate the reason for Christmas- Jesus's birth.  My pastor talked about the anticipation of Christ's birth- his coming was foretold numerous times in the Old Testament.  For a lot of people there was huge anticipation of his coming.  For his mom and dad, Mary and Joseph, there was tons of anticipation too.  Afterall, anytime a new baby is coming, parents are excited and anxious for the birth.  But Mary and Joseph had even more anticipation since they were both visited by angels and were told that Jesus's birth was something very special.  So, our pastor challenged us to look for the things we can anticipate in our lives that God is going to give to us.  With that challenge, I'm excited and ready to see what new things God has in store for me in 2010.

I hope and pray that the end of 2009 allows you some time to ponder the last year and what has happened- good and bad.  Are you any better or worse off than you were in 2008? 

What are the big thigns that you hope happen in 2010? 

Are you planning to wait on God's plan to unfold in HIS time or are you going to do whatever it takes to make it happen on your own?  I pray that you wait for God and HIS timing.  HIS timing is perfect.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Musings post-Thanksgiving 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a week I've just had.  First my house got broken into.  Then my son turned 4 years old (where has time gone, btw?) and then it was Peacock Thanksgiving 2009.  Now the long Thanksgiving Break is over, everyone is getting ready to head back to work and school.  And here I am, still unemployed and looking for the blessings to focus on instead of falling back into another pity party about my current circumstances.  As you may imagine, it's easier said than done to focus on the blessings sometimes.

Today my pastor talked about how we need THE LIGHT/AKA THE TRUTH/AKA Jesus Christ in our lives to get rid of the darkness.  So, I'm trying to focus on the positives of my situation so that they can cast light on the dark places in my life.

Yes, our house was broken into.  I was away from home for about an hour and a half and when I returned, I found the broken window and lights on that I hadn't left on when I left.  My sister was out of town and not due back home for another day so I knew it wasn't her doing.  Surprisingly, it took a few minutes for the reality to hit my brain that someone had broken in and had been in our house and that the person might still be there.  Once reality set in and I processed all the clues, I walked back out and called 911.  It took about 20 minutes for the deputy get to me and during that time I was in shock and trying to figure out what I was going to do.  Eventually the deputy made it to the house and he walked thru to make sure noone was in the house.  Then I had to figure out if anything seemed to be missing.  To my surprise, nothing was taken.  We had two laptop computers still sitting in the house and both were still there.  It was obvious that the robber was looking for small things- jewelry (none that we have of any monetary value) and money (none that we have either, especially not any laying around or in a secret stash).  Given everything, I'm counting my blessings for the following- 1) Nothing was taken, 2) I was alone at the time and Andrew wasn't with me so I didn't have to deal with my emotions along with trying to explain things to a 4 year old that asks TONS of questions, 3) No one was hurt.

Andrew turned 4 on Tuesday.  We had a very good day and I totally count my blessings that come thru him in my life.  He's smart and funny and entertaining.  He's challenging and drives me nuts sometimes but I wouldn't change anything about him.  He's pure joy and I'm so very thankful that he is in my life and is my little boy.  His random "Mommy, I love you!" and "I want to give you a hug!" warm my heart like nothing else in this world.

Thanksgiving 2009 was good as well.  The Peacock family got together for our yearly big event and we had 39 family members there.  We had 6 members of the family that were elsewhere for Thanksgiving and we have several others that are no longer with us on this earth.  Andrew got to run and play with other great grandkids and he had a ball.  It was good to see family that we don't see very often and the food was an extra bonus.  I baked 2 desserts from Hungry Girl recipes.  I made some Red Velvet cupcakes that tasted good but I didn't read the directions on how to make the frosting and I messed it up so they were too ugly to take to a family gathering.  I also made a Pumpkin Pie that was really good but the crust could use some MAJOR overhauling.

Black Friday was very uneventful for me.  Andrew was with his dad and stepmom.  My sister was at my brother and sister-in-law's house keeping our nephew so my brother could do some Black Friday shopping.  So, mom and I went to one place to shop.  It was a small, stand alone department store and there were no big crowds.  We went around 10:30 and it was very casual shopping and we still found a few good bargains.

After the drive back home on Friday, I got Andrew back from his dad and stepmom and we mostly hung out at home.  Saturday morning we woke up and Andrew and I went to the 10AM Weight Watchers meeting.  Andrew started out doing well but it went downhill very quickly.  So, we had to leave the meeting early and I was not happy.  We came back home and Andrew and I stayed in bed from around 11AM until around 4PM.  We laid there talking and laughing for a bit and then we took a very long nap.  After that we woke up and went to dinner with my sister.  Andrew's mood was much better after the nap so obviously he was worn out and needed sleep.

Sunday (today) we got up and got ready for church.  After church we ran by Walmart for a few groceries and then we ate lunch and took a nap.  After nap, Andrew and I went to the movies to see Planet 51.  It was a cute movie and Andrew did great.  We went to the bathroom once and other than that, Andrew was great about watching the movie.  He ate tons of popcorn and drank his Sprite like a pro.  Then we went thru Wendy's drive-thru for dinner.  We played a while and then we did his nightly routine and he went to bed.

So, the big thing I'm struggling with right now is that I STILL don't have a full time teaching job.  I'm totally thankful for all the sub jobs I've had this school year.  I know that even if I'm not where I want to be right now, I need to keep in mind that God is using me to help other people be where they need to be.  It's a daily, moment to moment sometimes, struggle to continue to have faith that God is working on my behalf.  I'm trying my hardest to focus on the positives.  I get to tell people that I can't work if there are other things I need to do (like going to volunteer in Andrew's class or go to his Thanksgiving Feast and program).  I get to work in several different schools and move from grade to grade and it's helping fine tune where I enjoy teaching more and which areas aren't my favorites. 

What's frustrating is that I'm never on a set schedule.  I don't have a steady paycheck coming in and I don't have health insurance.  I don't have my own classroom with my own kids that I see day in and day out and I'm not working full time in the area of my passion- educating children. 

I continue to look for jobs in and out of the teaching field.  It doesn't seem like anything is open right now.  I'm doing my best to stay here in this area so that Andrew and his dad and stepmom can have as much time as possible together.  I feel that's what I need to do and I continue to trust that that's what God wants.

So, along with my other struggles, I am continuing to struggle with my food and weight.  I wonder if I'm ever going to get back on track and do well as long as I have no structure to the rest of my life.  I don't know what's going to happen.  I don't know if there are any answers to my questions that will show up anytime soon.  I just know that God is in control and I trust him with everything.

Monday, November 23, 2009

To Quote a Bumpersticker- "Mean People SUCK!"

Monday, November 23, 2009
Today I slept in and then headed out to the gym around 10:30AM.  When I got back home around noon, I walked in the front door to find the overhead light in the living room on and I had turned it off.  I also noticed that one of the back windows was broken out but I thought briefly that something had randomly hit it and broken it.  Then I noticed the lights in Lyn's hallway and bedroom were on and I realized that someone had been in the house so I quickly gathered my purse, keys and phone and went back out the front door and called the police.

I walked behind our house to check things out and there was an old flower pot on the ground and I thought someone had used that to break the window.  And an old cooler had been pulled under the window and I'm sure that's what the person used to climb into the house.

I waited about 20 or 30 minutes for the deputy to show up.  Once he arrived, he walked thru the house to make sure no one was still in the house and then I had to look around to see if I could see if anything was missing.  Turns out there was nothing missing from what I could tell.  My laptop was still sitting on the coffee table, untouched.  My sister's work computer, that had been placed under her bed, was sitting in the computer bag on her bed.  Several credit cards she had stacked on a shelf were still there.  TVs were all accounted for as were stereos and boom boxes and the desktop computer.  A few things in the living room had been opened but I think for the most part the thief realized pretty quickly that they broke into the wrong house if they were looking for anything of too much value.  We are too poor to have extra money laying around and neither of us have any jewelry worth anything.  Plus, my sister's work computer had the county inventory sticker stuff on them so it would be difficult to pawn that.  Hahaha! Neither of us are on prescription drugs and so they were pretty much out of luck in finding anything of monetary value here.   

More than anything I'm pissed.  My sense of security and peace of mind have been taken from me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful that no one was hurt and nothing was taken.  But, I'm still irritated that they broke in and took nothing with them.  It makes me wonder if they were scared off, were looking for something specific that they couldn't find or if they were casing the place to see what all they want to steal on a return visit. 

What in the world makes someone think it's ok to break into someone else's house and plunder thru their personal belongs and then turn around and take whatever they want in the process?  I really hate that people in this day and age think they don't have to work for anything.  They think they can take what they want, without considering the person that they take from.  It's just a messed up world we live in.  So, with that said, I come back to my title- MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!

Please pray with me for my peace of mind and sense of security to be restored very quickly.  Also, please pray for the person(s) that broke in.  I hope they get help with whatever it is that leads them to think it's ok to break into people's houses.  If it takes jail to get them to that point, that's great.  But if they can get help some other way before that, it would be great as well, even if I never know about it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

So, today our pastor spoke on faith and how important it is to our lives.  Whether or not we want to admit it or acknowledge it, everything we do can be tied back to faith, or lack thereof.  Given the place I'm in in my life right now, I feel that there is so much JUNK I need to get off my chest and so I'm hoping that blogging about it here might help make sense of some of it, or at least lighten my load regarding it all.

My last blog that I posted yesterday was about being thankful for things.  As I write this blog regarding all the uncertainties in my life, I want everyone reading to know that I am beyond blessed and so very thankful for all that I do have in my life.  However, just like anyone else, there are areas where I'm struggling. 

As the title of my blog shows, I'm knocking rather loudly on the door to my 40s.  Looking at my life and what it is right now, I can honestly say that I just don't recognize any part of it as what I thought my life was going to be at this point.  At the age of 16, I'm certain that when I envisioned my life at 40, it wouldn't involve me living in a trailer with my sister and sharing a bedroom with my son.  It wouldn't have included me being a single mom and currently unemployed.  It wouldn't have included being approximately 70 pounds (give or take some) overweight and struggling to take it off.  Nor would it have included the fact that I don't really have any close girlfriends that live nearby me.  Typing all of that out and admitting it for others to read truly makes me very depressed and makes me ask the big question "Is this all my life has become?" 

Some people may say that looking at one's life and asking such a question as "Is this the life I envisioned for myself?" at this time (around 40) means that I'm probably having a mid-life crisis.  Maybe I am.  Maybe not.  I know other college friends have admitted to me that they have recently had what they'd call a mid-life crisis, while other college friends have done things lately that, from my perspective, seem to be the choices someone in a mid-life crisis might make.  So, with that said, I guess it makes me wonder if maybe my feelings of frustration and lack of contentment might be my version of a mid-life crisis.  If anyone has any answers, I'm all ears, for sure. :-)

In one of the books I've been reading lately, Lose It For Life, by Steve Arterburn, he makes a great point about how getting things out in the open means that they don't hold the power that they had when they were hidden.  So many times we seem to think that the things we are thinking about ourselves and our circumstances are absolutely horrible and terrible and "what would people think if they knew _________ about us?"  And yet, since we are all humans, born with sin nature and living in a fallen world, we ALL have those things in our lives we think will cause others to scorn us and treat us like we have 2 heads and 3 eyeballs.  If only we'd be more transparent and seek out help in loving and supportive environments.  Unfortunately, many of us have attempted to do those types of things, only to have trusted in the wrong people and been hurt to our cores when they've betrayed our trust.  Why can't we all admit our shortcomings and know that to God, none of us are worthy?  Why do we try to spend so much time "Keeping up with the Joneses/Smiths/Browns?" and finding out that the Joneses, Smiths and Browns are struggling as much as we are? 

I think we just don't have enough faith.  Too many times we go with what we know instead of taking time to pray and seek God and have FAITH that God is working out HIS best for our lives and in HIS time.

So many times we reach a point where we decide to "put it in God's hands" and swear we are going to leave it there.  We start going to church regularly (if we weren't already).  We start tithing our 10% (if we weren't already).  We start doing all these things, hoping that we will do enough good things and God will notice and then whatever it is we "put in God's hands" is supposed to all the sudden work out just like we had hoped because we feel, after all, like we deserve it because we are crossing off all the things on our "What God Expects Us To Do" To Do List.  When this doesn't happen, we get mad and start fussing at God and wondering why he isn't answering our prayers the way we want and in the time we think it should work out in.  So, we rudely snatch back out of his hands whatever we put there and walk away.  Then we start making poor decisions again, ones we think are right for us, not necessarily what we know is the right thing to do.  We live in a society that tells us, "Do what feels good!" instead of "Do what's right!"  So many times, what is right isn't popular and what's popular isn't right.  Never before has that statement been any truer than it is in our society right this minute.

After we snatch our worries and cares away from God's hands and run with them ourselves, we usually make matters even worse than they already were.  We continue thinking we can do better than God and that we know better than God.  We are so bombarded with the concept of being "self-made men/women" that we feel like we have the power within ourselves to make things happen.  When all in all, God is in control.  Why don't we just have FAITH that HE knows what's best for us.

That job that we KNEW was THE ONE for us falls thru.  That guy we were certain was THE ONE turns out to be a dud.  The friend we thought we could share anything with turns on us and throws some of our deepest, darkest pains and hurts back in our face during a simple argument.  We shake our heads, throw our hands up and ask God WHY?

Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  We need to have faith in God and trust his plan, not our own. 

So, with that said, I'm reminding myself to have FAITH in my life, especially in the areas that are areas of uncertainty and dissatisfaction for me.  God is allowing these trials in my life to help me grow in my faith.  The question is will I embrace the opportunities to grow and mature or will I fight every step and make myself even more frustrated?  That choice is one that I can only make for myself.

What about you?  Are there areas in your life where you are fighting God? How about joining with me in prayer that we can look at the trials as opportunities for growth of our faith instead of times of weariness?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

November- the month of thanks

November 7, 2009

Since this is November, the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, I decided (thanks to a blog by my friend Tricia) to do a post on things I'm thankful for. 

First I'm thankful for my parents.  They have been so very supportive of me and my quest to get my teaching certification and then supporting me through this time of unemployment.  For the record, I absolutely HATE having them support me but at this point, I'm also extremely thankful for their willingness to still support me, knowing I'm doing all I can to find a teaching job.

I'm also thankful for Andrew and all the joy he's given me over his short little, almost 4, years of life.  Yes, he tests my patience and drives me nuts sometimes.  Yes, he is very mouthy and too smart sometimes.  But overall, he's so entertaining and gives the best hugs and kisses.  He asks great questions that keep me on my toes and he's a great snuggler.  He's very passionate about the things he wants and he loves with abandon.  He's so much more than a blessing to me and I'm thankful for him every day.

My sister is another person I'm thankful for.  We live together and have since July 2002.  We are very different in a lot of ways and very similar in others.  We drive each other crazy sometimes but overall we get along pretty well.  I think part of why we do get along so well is because we tend to come and go at different times most of the time.  Andrew is nuts about his Aunt Lyn and she is nuts about him as well.  They have a ball together.

I'm extremely thankful for the church where Andrew and I attend and are involved.  I'm fortunate to teach 4th and 5th graders once a month and I also help with K-5th grade on Wednesday nights too.  I have some great friends there and tons of support and love from my pastor and his wife.  I'm so thankful for what our mission is at Grace Community Church.  I'm so glad to know our church isn't a "typical church" and we aren't different to be different but because we feel that's what God wants us to do.  There's a HUGE difference between the two for sure!

That's enough for one day.  I think I'll post some more at another time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Friday evening at home

Friday, September 25, 2009

Well, it's another Friday evening at home and no big plans.  I did go to dinner (at Mexican, not the best choice) with Jeff and ate too much.  However, anyone that knows about El Som knows you almost always eat more than you should but it's too good not to do so.

This week was a very long week for me.  I subbed half a day on Monday and then full days every day of the rest of the week.  I subbed in Music classes 3 1/2 days and in a 1st grade the 4th day.  The 1st grade classroom where I subbed was at the school where there was a tranformer that blew out and some damage was done to computers and such.  Along with the damage to the computers, evidently the air conditioning unit in the class where I subbed was also blown out.  So, we had a fan on, the door to the hallway open and kept the lights off most of the day.  Overall that made it mostly tolerable in the room but sometimes (like after recess) it got pretty hot. 

Also this week I had an interview for a 5th grade language arts job in Metter.  Initially the position that was posted was a 3rd grade math position but they ended up transferring a 5th grade LA teacher (that had previously taught 3rd grade) to that 3rd grade position and so the 5th grade LA position was open.  I had a really good interview and was with them for around an hour.  Unfortunately, they decided to pick someone else for the job so I'm still plugging along as a substitute teacher in elementary schools in Bulloch County. 

Honestly, I'm BUMMED.  I  want a full time job teaching elementary school students.  I love working with them and want my own class, my own paycheck (with benefits) and the same group of kids day in and day out.  Don't get me wrong, I am beyond blessed.  I know I'm fortunate to be making any money and the sub jobs are coming in regularly, almost daily now.  I'm not complaining about that.  I just want stability.   However, I am a firm believer that I would much rather be subbing than in a job that I hated, just to have a job.  I've been there before and don't want to go that route again.  It's truly not worth it. 

So, please pray for me as I seek other jobs that may be out there in education.  I just hope the job for me is out there sooner rather than later.  I'm trying not to be discouraged and to totally trust God and His plan.  All prayers are appreciated.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weight Loss Update and General Feelings On Life

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Today was my weigh in at Weight Watchers.  I lost another 0.4 and am now at a total of 40.2.  I'm at my lowest weight in about 3 months and I'm so excited that I'm back on track after a few months of struggling.  I'm really proud of my weight loss journey so far.  I've been on Weight Watchers for over a year and have managed to keep well over 30 pounds off for 8 months.  There have been good times and bad times and REALLY bad times but through it all, I've managed to keep my focus and get back on track very quickly.  For those of you that might read this that haven't ever had a problem with being overweight and struggle with food, you truly cannot imagine how hard it can be sometimes.  Those of us that struggle with weight aren't like other addicts.  We HAVE to still eat food, the thing we have problems with.  Other types of addicts can go the rest of their lives without drinking alcohol or taking drugs so they can totally avoid their addictions but those of us with food addictions, we don't have that option.  Now, I'm not making excuses for my behavior.  I'm just saying that it's not as easy as some people think.  It's not like we can totally quit with our food intake.  We have to eat. 

Then there are the emotional issues that trigger an emotional eater's binges.  I know for me, I think the main triggers are stress and boredom.  Fortunately, I'm more aware of those and so I am learning to take steps to keep those things in control.  However, I think that part of my problem is that many times in my life when I was thinner, I had relationships in my life that ended up hurting me greatly.  I think part of my holding on to weight is a way for me to keep men away.  After all, most men don't want to be with a fat girl.  So, I'm trying to work through those issues and am even considering getting some counseling to help work through those issues.  I don't want emotional baggage to keep me from being able to lose weight and become more healthy.  So, if you are a praying person, please say some prayers that I can work out these issues so that they are no longer strongholds in my life.  I am certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that God can deliver me from my demons (not literal demons but you hopefully know what I mean) so that I can move on with my life in a more healthy life, both mentally and physically.  Fortunately there's a great song out right now by the Contemporary Christian singer Mandisa (and a former American Idol contestant) and here's the link to the video on Youtube:  It has really helped me to keep focus and know in whom I place my trust. :-)

On to other topics, this week was a rather controversal week in politics.  President Obama gave a speech to school children and then addressed Congress and the public as a whole about health care.  Regardless if your political leanings, the address to school children was a very good one.  He had some great points to make and hopefully some kids truly heard what he said and want to work on their goals and attitudes regarding education.  At this point I'm trying to figure out what was so offensive in his speech to kids that made parents think they should prevent their kids from hearing it.  It's just crazy and honestly, I don't even like the President or most of his political beliefs but I do think what he said was a good message.  And it wasn't political in nature so it wasn't offensive or inappropriate.
However, the whole health care issue is a totally different topic all together.  As someone that is currently uninsured, I think that the biggest areas where our health care system need work are topics such as how crazy the litigation against doctors has become.  I'm not saying that if doctors do wrong things in treatment (horribly wrong like leaving medical equipment inside a person during surgery, cut off the wrong limb, etc.) they should be held accountable but people are suing for things the doctors have no control over and cannot predict.  It's ridiculous to think of all the lawsuits people have won in this area and it's disgusting to know that there are some areas of the country (some in Georgia even) where there are no ob/gyns to be found for 60 or so miles around due to the high costs of medical malpractice insurance.  It's terrible that people that want to help sick people can't afford to do their jobs without fear of being sued.  Another area of concern for me is that there are tons of uninsured people that are being treated (including a multitude of illegal immigrants) that never pay for their care.  This means that those that have coverage are being charged more than they should for care so that doctors can recoup at least some of the money that they aren't getting from the uninsured that don't pay.  I know when I was pregnant with Andrew and had really good insurance, they gave me an ultrasound almost every time I went to the doctor since I was going to be over 35 when I had him.  I was considered "high risk" and so they could get away with all the ultrasounds even though I really didn't need them.  I think if medical malpractice costs would go down then fees for services would go down as well.  Andrew went to see a dermatologist and we were in her office for about 20 minutes.  She looked at his problem, treated it with some stuff that smelled a lot like Compound W and then charged us around $300 for the treatment and visit!  That's INSANE.  No wonder people can't afford healthcare. 

Given the status of other governmental run programs (US Postal Service, Medicare, etc.) I'm certain that the health care industry doesn't need the government to run it into the ground too.  It's not a good idea.  Whether Obama and those that back him want to admit it or not, their health care plan is going to cost MONEY.  We cannot expect the government to run a program and not expect us to pay for it.  It just cannot happen without funds to support it.

I'm not saying I have all the answers but at this point I don't think anyone does.  Canada and other countries that have governmental run medical programs have horrible systems.  Nationalized health care is NOT the answer.  I'm very worried that the plan Obama has is going to be rushed through and people aren't thinking through the long term implications.  Yes, we do need the medical system to be overhauled but we don't need it overhauled into a bigger mess and even more poorly run system than it already is. We cannot afford to rush this one!!!

Well, I've rambled enough about political things and want to stop now.  I hope my thoughts are somewhat understandable.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Women of Faith 2009- Atlanta

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yesterday I drove to Atlanta to attend the 2009 Women of Faith Conference at Philips Arena.  It was SUPER! 

I got to the Arena around 11AM and made it into the conference area about an hour later.  I got to hear Steve Arterburn (Creator of Women of Faith), Sandy Patti speak and sing, and Marilyn Meberg speak.  That was all part of the Friday Feature (programming that goes on during Friday morning and afternoon before the actual conference begins that evening).  I really wish I could  have heard Steve speak more.

Friday evening we got to hear Mandisa sing as well as Steven Curtis Chapman perform and speak.  I was so excited to see/hear both of them.  I have a very soft spot in my heart for Steven Curtis Chapman (as I was sharing with my friend Ginger that joined me in ATL for the conference) because his Great Adventure CD was the first CD I ever owned!   I've loved him since that time and Andrew and I have been praying nightly for Steven Curtis, Mary Beth and their family since the loss of their youngest daughter, Maria Sue back in May 2008.  I was so excited to hear SCC speak and he performed a song that will be on his next album.  It's called Face of Heaven (or something along those lines).  The song is basically how right now, his perspective of what Heaven is going to be like is based on memories from his daughter Maria Sue since she's now there waiting for them to join her one day.  The song is so special in so many ways.  As always, SCC has managed to verbalize his thoughts in such an amazing way.  Needless to say, this crybaby was holding back SOBS as she listened to SCC sing.

Mandisa is also a top favorite of mine because I've been following her on TWITTER since I joined a few months ago.  I've seen all her tweets about the Women of Faith Conference as well as her personal journey to become a healthier person.  Since I'm struggling with becoming more healthy too, her personality and perspective has helped me want to do better in my journey.  Plus, I love her music! :-)

Both Mandisa and Steven Curtis Chapman were wonderful and probably the highlights of the conference for me.  God has done great things thru both of them dispite each of them having to deal with tremendous heartache. 

We also got to experience Anita Renfroe and her humor.  If you don't know her, she's sort of like the female, Christian version of Weird Al.  She takes popular songs and makes spoofs of them about being a woman, mom, etc.  She's also "featured comedian" on ABC's Good Morning America and you can probably find some great clips of her on YouTube.  Several years ago she did a song called "Mom Sense" to the tune of the William Tell Overture and it's very entertaining.  She's from Atlanta so she was performing for the home crowd.

Once Ginger and I made it to the hotel Friday night, we were exhausted.  I must say that Ginger and I worked at summer camp together back in the early/mid 1990s and haven't really seen each other since that time.  We have reconnected thru that great social networking website Facebook and so we picked right back up where we left off all those years ago.  I LOVE friendships like that and appreciate Ginger so very much. 

Anyway, once we finally got to sleep (around midnight or a little after) we were both sound asleep when all the sudden around 1:15AM these AWFUL sounds started and it sounded like someone was busting down the door or throwing furniture somewhere around us.  It lasted for about 20 minutes and then stopped just as suddenly as it started.  It was an interesting night and after that horrible interruption to our sleep, I turned the alarm off and didn't get up to go to the gym like I had initially planned.

Saturday we got to hear Shelia Walsh as well as Lisa Whelchel (yes, Blair from Facts of Life) and they both were amazing.  They had great life stories to share and wonderful messages for us.  Shelia talked about being able to "Let Go" when we have been wronged or are having to clean up someone else's messes, etc.  And Blair talked about how we need to trust God to help protect us and for us to trust him.

Mandisa sang again and spoke about her time with American Idol (including the incident where she told Simon Cowell that she forgave him for calling her fat and explained she was forgiving him because Jesus Christ had forgiven her and the least she could do was extend that same forgiveness to Simon- and it was shown on the show as it happened) as well as her battles with being molested and raped and how food was a way to protect herself from further attacks. 

We also got to hear Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg and Luci Swindoll speak through the conference and they are all great speakers with great stories (some funny and some serious) to help teach lessons about God and his love for us.   I feel so very blessed to have been able to spend time this weekend with all these men and women of God.  All of them had at least one little bit of information to share that I needed to hear.

The one big drawback to being at a conference like that is that it was almost impossible to make healthy food choices.  I ate way more junk and drank more regular coke this weekend than I've ingested in probably a year or more.  So much so that I feel sick now!  Ick!

I'm so very thankful that I had the opportunity to attend Women of Faith so that I could learn some new things and spend some awesome time in praise and worship of our Heavenly Father who loves us all more than we could ever imagine.  It's so very humbling to know that God loves us inspite of who and what we are. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Introduction of me

Today it's Thursday, August 27, 2009.  A little over a month ago I celebrated my 39th birthday.  So, this year is the last year of my 30s.  It's both exciting and scary at the same time. 

My life right now consists of actively seeking a relationship with Christ, being a single mom to my son (Andrew), working out at the gym as I attempt to get in the best shape of my life and substitute teaching when I am called.  Most of the time I'm very satisfied with my current life situation but as with everyone, there are days or even moments when I wonder how in the world I managed to end up at this place at this point in my life.

I'm fortunate enough to truly have a very blessed life even though I don't always acknowledge that fact.  I'm actively involved in a great church where our pastor regularly challenges us to reexamine our faith walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.  I help with the Children's Ministry (1st - 5th grades) and teach 4th and 5th graders once a month.  I recently met a great new friend, Beth, and we've started meeting once a week for Bible Study.  We have been meeting for 3 weeks now and I've come to truly enjoy our time together as we work on improving our personal walks with Christ.  I'll be documenting the growth of my personal relationship with Christ on this blog.

For over a year now I've been working on improving my health.  I started Weight Watchers again in August 2008 and joined a local gym in June 2009.  Overall I have a long way to go but I'm certain that I can get there if I keep my eyes on the goal and don't let momentary weakness influence me into making poor choices that will derail me from my goal.  As of today, I've lost 39 pounds and am very happy that I've come this far.  I also recently started a program called Couch to 5K to help get me into a running program.  I'll be documenting my weight loss and running program progress on this blog, too.

I find that being a parent is a great challenge.  I love my son with all my heart and soul and he has added so much joy to my life.  God has turned an extremely difficult situation into so much blessing for so many people and I'm so very thankful for that fact.  I am blessed to have a really great relationship with Andrew's dad and stepmom. Andrew keeps us all entertained and challenged very frequently. I look forward to sharing some of my life as a single mom in the blog, too.

I'm looking forward to closing out my 30s with a truly great year this year and hope you enjoy sharing it with me.