Monday, November 23, 2009

To Quote a Bumpersticker- "Mean People SUCK!"

Monday, November 23, 2009
Today I slept in and then headed out to the gym around 10:30AM.  When I got back home around noon, I walked in the front door to find the overhead light in the living room on and I had turned it off.  I also noticed that one of the back windows was broken out but I thought briefly that something had randomly hit it and broken it.  Then I noticed the lights in Lyn's hallway and bedroom were on and I realized that someone had been in the house so I quickly gathered my purse, keys and phone and went back out the front door and called the police.

I walked behind our house to check things out and there was an old flower pot on the ground and I thought someone had used that to break the window.  And an old cooler had been pulled under the window and I'm sure that's what the person used to climb into the house.

I waited about 20 or 30 minutes for the deputy to show up.  Once he arrived, he walked thru the house to make sure no one was still in the house and then I had to look around to see if I could see if anything was missing.  Turns out there was nothing missing from what I could tell.  My laptop was still sitting on the coffee table, untouched.  My sister's work computer, that had been placed under her bed, was sitting in the computer bag on her bed.  Several credit cards she had stacked on a shelf were still there.  TVs were all accounted for as were stereos and boom boxes and the desktop computer.  A few things in the living room had been opened but I think for the most part the thief realized pretty quickly that they broke into the wrong house if they were looking for anything of too much value.  We are too poor to have extra money laying around and neither of us have any jewelry worth anything.  Plus, my sister's work computer had the county inventory sticker stuff on them so it would be difficult to pawn that.  Hahaha! Neither of us are on prescription drugs and so they were pretty much out of luck in finding anything of monetary value here.   

More than anything I'm pissed.  My sense of security and peace of mind have been taken from me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful that no one was hurt and nothing was taken.  But, I'm still irritated that they broke in and took nothing with them.  It makes me wonder if they were scared off, were looking for something specific that they couldn't find or if they were casing the place to see what all they want to steal on a return visit. 

What in the world makes someone think it's ok to break into someone else's house and plunder thru their personal belongs and then turn around and take whatever they want in the process?  I really hate that people in this day and age think they don't have to work for anything.  They think they can take what they want, without considering the person that they take from.  It's just a messed up world we live in.  So, with that said, I come back to my title- MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!

Please pray with me for my peace of mind and sense of security to be restored very quickly.  Also, please pray for the person(s) that broke in.  I hope they get help with whatever it is that leads them to think it's ok to break into people's houses.  If it takes jail to get them to that point, that's great.  But if they can get help some other way before that, it would be great as well, even if I never know about it.

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