Saturday, November 7, 2009

November- the month of thanks

November 7, 2009

Since this is November, the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, I decided (thanks to a blog by my friend Tricia) to do a post on things I'm thankful for. 

First I'm thankful for my parents.  They have been so very supportive of me and my quest to get my teaching certification and then supporting me through this time of unemployment.  For the record, I absolutely HATE having them support me but at this point, I'm also extremely thankful for their willingness to still support me, knowing I'm doing all I can to find a teaching job.

I'm also thankful for Andrew and all the joy he's given me over his short little, almost 4, years of life.  Yes, he tests my patience and drives me nuts sometimes.  Yes, he is very mouthy and too smart sometimes.  But overall, he's so entertaining and gives the best hugs and kisses.  He asks great questions that keep me on my toes and he's a great snuggler.  He's very passionate about the things he wants and he loves with abandon.  He's so much more than a blessing to me and I'm thankful for him every day.

My sister is another person I'm thankful for.  We live together and have since July 2002.  We are very different in a lot of ways and very similar in others.  We drive each other crazy sometimes but overall we get along pretty well.  I think part of why we do get along so well is because we tend to come and go at different times most of the time.  Andrew is nuts about his Aunt Lyn and she is nuts about him as well.  They have a ball together.

I'm extremely thankful for the church where Andrew and I attend and are involved.  I'm fortunate to teach 4th and 5th graders once a month and I also help with K-5th grade on Wednesday nights too.  I have some great friends there and tons of support and love from my pastor and his wife.  I'm so thankful for what our mission is at Grace Community Church.  I'm so glad to know our church isn't a "typical church" and we aren't different to be different but because we feel that's what God wants us to do.  There's a HUGE difference between the two for sure!

That's enough for one day.  I think I'll post some more at another time.

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