Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Friday evening at home

Friday, September 25, 2009

Well, it's another Friday evening at home and no big plans.  I did go to dinner (at Mexican, not the best choice) with Jeff and ate too much.  However, anyone that knows about El Som knows you almost always eat more than you should but it's too good not to do so.

This week was a very long week for me.  I subbed half a day on Monday and then full days every day of the rest of the week.  I subbed in Music classes 3 1/2 days and in a 1st grade the 4th day.  The 1st grade classroom where I subbed was at the school where there was a tranformer that blew out and some damage was done to computers and such.  Along with the damage to the computers, evidently the air conditioning unit in the class where I subbed was also blown out.  So, we had a fan on, the door to the hallway open and kept the lights off most of the day.  Overall that made it mostly tolerable in the room but sometimes (like after recess) it got pretty hot. 

Also this week I had an interview for a 5th grade language arts job in Metter.  Initially the position that was posted was a 3rd grade math position but they ended up transferring a 5th grade LA teacher (that had previously taught 3rd grade) to that 3rd grade position and so the 5th grade LA position was open.  I had a really good interview and was with them for around an hour.  Unfortunately, they decided to pick someone else for the job so I'm still plugging along as a substitute teacher in elementary schools in Bulloch County. 

Honestly, I'm BUMMED.  I  want a full time job teaching elementary school students.  I love working with them and want my own class, my own paycheck (with benefits) and the same group of kids day in and day out.  Don't get me wrong, I am beyond blessed.  I know I'm fortunate to be making any money and the sub jobs are coming in regularly, almost daily now.  I'm not complaining about that.  I just want stability.   However, I am a firm believer that I would much rather be subbing than in a job that I hated, just to have a job.  I've been there before and don't want to go that route again.  It's truly not worth it. 

So, please pray for me as I seek other jobs that may be out there in education.  I just hope the job for me is out there sooner rather than later.  I'm trying not to be discouraged and to totally trust God and His plan.  All prayers are appreciated.

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