Thursday, August 27, 2009

Introduction of me

Today it's Thursday, August 27, 2009.  A little over a month ago I celebrated my 39th birthday.  So, this year is the last year of my 30s.  It's both exciting and scary at the same time. 

My life right now consists of actively seeking a relationship with Christ, being a single mom to my son (Andrew), working out at the gym as I attempt to get in the best shape of my life and substitute teaching when I am called.  Most of the time I'm very satisfied with my current life situation but as with everyone, there are days or even moments when I wonder how in the world I managed to end up at this place at this point in my life.

I'm fortunate enough to truly have a very blessed life even though I don't always acknowledge that fact.  I'm actively involved in a great church where our pastor regularly challenges us to reexamine our faith walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.  I help with the Children's Ministry (1st - 5th grades) and teach 4th and 5th graders once a month.  I recently met a great new friend, Beth, and we've started meeting once a week for Bible Study.  We have been meeting for 3 weeks now and I've come to truly enjoy our time together as we work on improving our personal walks with Christ.  I'll be documenting the growth of my personal relationship with Christ on this blog.

For over a year now I've been working on improving my health.  I started Weight Watchers again in August 2008 and joined a local gym in June 2009.  Overall I have a long way to go but I'm certain that I can get there if I keep my eyes on the goal and don't let momentary weakness influence me into making poor choices that will derail me from my goal.  As of today, I've lost 39 pounds and am very happy that I've come this far.  I also recently started a program called Couch to 5K to help get me into a running program.  I'll be documenting my weight loss and running program progress on this blog, too.

I find that being a parent is a great challenge.  I love my son with all my heart and soul and he has added so much joy to my life.  God has turned an extremely difficult situation into so much blessing for so many people and I'm so very thankful for that fact.  I am blessed to have a really great relationship with Andrew's dad and stepmom. Andrew keeps us all entertained and challenged very frequently. I look forward to sharing some of my life as a single mom in the blog, too.

I'm looking forward to closing out my 30s with a truly great year this year and hope you enjoy sharing it with me.


  1. this is great layne!! You have so many wonderful things going on in your life! Andrew is such a sweet and precious child with an amazing momma!

  2. Hi, you don't know me - but I couldn't resist looking to see who you were when I saw you twitter name was Andrewsmom70. My twitter name is andrewsmommy and I too was born in 1970, and have been 39 for a little over a month too (since July 15th). Anyhow... I just thought it was interesting :) My Andrew just turned four in May. Glad you are enjoying the Women of Faith event - I'm long overdue for one!

