Monday, January 18, 2010

Day Before Full Time Employment Begins- Yay!

Today is the last day that I will be unemployed full time and I'm so very excited!  As you may (or may not) know, I begin a new job as a 4th grade science teacher tomorrow.  Here's the story of how it all worked out.

I had Andrew in November 2005.  I returned to work in February 2006 and was absolutely miserable and stressed out due to my job.  I had been miserable in my job before I had Andrew and I was hoping that my time off for maternity leave would mean that once I went back to work, things would be better.  The exact opposite happened- I was TONS more miserable than I ever imagined I would be.  So, in May 2006 I walked out of my job, with no notice and with no other job to go to.  However, I felt like I truly had no other option.  The stress of the job that I absolutely HATED and the stress of being the primary caregiver and single mother to an infant was too much for me to deal with.  Maybe post partum depression played a part in my decision, who knows.  Regardless, I walked away and had no clue what I was going to do next.

The next year I worked in a temp job and also did some substitute teaching to give me something to do and a little money coming in as well.  As I was doing those things, I did continue to apply for jobs and go on interviews that never panned out.  It was a year of frustration and futility for me on the professional front.  After spending almost a year in that place, I decided to check into going back to school to teach elementary school.  Over the years I had thought about going back to school but it never seemed like a good time.  But after a year of temp jobs and sub teaching, I decided that there was no time like the present to go back to school.

May 2007 I started back to school to get certification to teach elementary school.  I absolutely LOVED being back in school and the chance to be in schools working with kids.  When I started back to school, there was no inkling that education would eventually become an area of state budgets that would seem to be a good place to make cuts to help cover budget deficits.  I was certain that I'd be able to get a job with no problems at all.

I was fortunate enough to be in several different classrooms over the time of my education.  I spent time in Jennifer Williams kindergarten at Nevils Elementary, Kay Rule's 1st grade class at Mattie Lively Elementary, Valerie Zeigler's 4th grade class at Langston Chapel Elemenary and did my student teaching with Mark Petkewich and his 3rd grade class at Brooklet Elementary.  I was so blessed in the classrooms where I learned more and more about being a teacher.  During my off time, I was able to substitute teach some and it kept reminding me why I love being in the elementary classroom.

Since graduating in May 2009, I had the summer off and then I began substitute teaching when school started back.  I subbed at Mattie Lively, Sallie Zetterower, Nevils and Julia P Bryant schools and spent the most time subbing at Brooklet Elementary.  I enjoyed my time subbing because it allowed me to hone in on what age group I preferred to work with.  3rd and 4th grades are my favorites but there are positives and negatives in every grade.

During my time subbing, I had a few job interviews and things didn't pan out for me.  I was fortunate enough to have an interview in Metter at Metter Intermediate School with Gwenda Rotton.  I really enjoyed hearing about what was going on at MIS. Mrs. Gwenda called me before Christmas about another job position and then when that one didn't work out, she assured me that she wanted me on her staff but she wanted me in the right position for me.  So, about two weeks ago she called me about a position that was coming open.  I went over and met with her and Mrs. Jessica about the job.  I visited all day last Monday and then spent the rest of the week in the classroom with the teacher that was leaving so that I could see how the class was run and had time to get to know the kids. 

Mrs. Renee is the teacher I'm replacing.  I'm very fortunate because she's leaving me all her resources.  I'm enjoying getting to know the kids and look forward to having my own classroom, finally!

If you are in a situation where you are waiting for something that you want, trust God and his plan.  The things that come along that you want and don't work out are not for you.  Sometimes that's hard to accept.  Trust God and his timing.  He knows best for us.

Let me know if I can pray for you about something you are waiting on.  God is good and he loves us all.